Fate of Official Community Plan at stake in contentious North Cowichan development vote
Staff report strongly urges rejection of the project, but councillor Istace is conflicted
—— UPDATE: On Nov. 20, council voted 4-2 (Mayor Rob Douglas and councillor Christopher Justice opposed) to support option two: THAT Council directs staff to: a. proceed with processing application OCP00031 and draft an amendment to Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3900, 2022, for consideration by Council, and b. initiate a separate OCP amendment respecting the remainder of the 'Future Growth Area' designation in the Official Community Plan. Staff will bring forward options for amending the OCP along with recommendations for process and public input. Before application OCP00031 can proceed, staff will complete additional steps and review as outlined below in the implications section, which may require the applicant to provide further studies and information.”——
The public spotlight is on Councillor Chris Istace as North Cowichan council prepares to vote Wednesday on a major development that could seriously undermine the two-year-old Official Community Plan.
At issue is a proposed residential and mixed-use development on 12.5 hectares north of Herd Road in the Bell McKinnon area.
The land includes four parcels designated future growth area, outside the urban containment boundary in the OCP approved by council in August 2022.
A staff report strongly urges council to not approve the West Vista Terrace development, saying it “represents a significant departure from the growth management section” of the OCP.
Expanding the urban containment boundary “before additional land is required may diffuse development over a larger area and lead to more fragmented growth,” the report adds. The surrounding area consists mainly of large rural properties.
The staff report says the existing Bell McKinnon Growth Centre can accommodate about 85 percent of North Cowichan’s housing needs for the next 20 years.

If this sounds familiar, you’re right. Council defeated an identical development proposal in a 3-3 vote on March 6, 2024.
At that time, councillors Tek Manhas, Bruce Findlay and Mike Caljouw voted to support the development.
Mayor Rob Douglas and councillors Christopher Justice and Chris Istace opposed. Councillor Debra Toporowski recused herself, and has since resigned from council to become Cowichan Valley MLA.
Douglas and Justice require Istace’s support once again to defeat the development.
Is a political flip-flop in the works?
Istace, the owner of a retail store in Chemainus, ran unsuccessfully for the Greens in the 2020 provincial election in Nanaimo-North Cowichan riding.
He won election in 2022 to North Cowichan council — taking the last seat by a margin of 190 votes — but certainly did not campaign on a platform of tearing up the new OCP.

“To be clear, I was for the future growth phased approach 3 years ago and even voted against this amendment when it first came to council,” Istace wrote Nov. 16, 2024, on social media: https://www.facebook.com/StasherBC/.
“This time around I am not so sure how I will vote. I want to be 100% transparent and honest with North Cowichan residents. I stood strongly for the OCP during the election and thus far in the 2 years I have served on council so far.
“I have spoken about focused growth and limited sprawl also. But meeting people on the street and listening outside of my usual circles has brought perspective.
“The reality is we are in a genuine housing crisis and it needs bold and tough decision making.”
If council votes to support the development, staff would then draft a bylaw amendment and report back.
Douglas wrote a column on the development issue in The Citizen on Nov. 2, 2014, that seemed to be speak directly to Istace.
Do you have a comment? Write council@northcowichan.ca.
Councillors’ emails: https://www.northcowichan.ca/municipal-hall/mayor-council/current-council
Link to staff report:
Developer’s rationale: https://pub-northcowichan.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=17631
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— Larry Pynn, Nov. 18, 2024